August is a traditional month when the MatCalc training courses take place. This year was no exception. Both, the “MatCalc Basic Thermokinetic Simulations” and the “MatCalc Advanced Microstructure Simulations” trainings took place in Vienna, on the TU Wien Campus Getreidemarkt, where Prof. Ernst Kozeschnik shared his MatCalc knowledge to the attendees.

Basic course was held in the first week of August (03.-06.08.2021). It started with the first steps like creating a new workspace, reading the database records, and defining system composition. Next, various aspects of thermodynamic calculations in MatCalc were discussed including the Scheil-Gulliver simulation of the solidification process. Afterwards, the simulations of precipitation kinetics were practiced, starting from simple isothermal holding of material and proceeding to the complex heat treatment setups. For simulations in Al-based alloys, the modeling of vacancy concentration evolution during quenching and aging stages was also included.

Advanced course was held two weeks after the Basic course (17.-19.08.2021). After a warm-up session recalling the procedures taught at Basic course, the material yield strength was evaluated after the performed heat treatment. The discussion of the model continued with the evaluation of the flow curve. Other topics covered in the course were the simulations of the material grain size and dislocation density evolution. Here, the effects of the deformation on the microstructure were simulated including the subgrain formation and the subsequent recrystallization. All simulations were supported by the discussion of the joint dependencies and interactions of the precipitation, dislocation density, grain growth and subgrain growth kinetics.

Besides the scientific substance of the course, the tradition of the social evenings was also continued like every year. In the relaxing atmosphere of Viennese locals, the participants could enjoy a time together, assisted by some fine examples of Austrian cuisine.

By the way: The next MatCalc User Meeting is scheduled for 02.-03.12.2021. If you would like to get the most out of your simulations, you might want to keep this date in mind! For registration (or to get more information) write an email to Dr. Piotr Warczok (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).